The Remixed Extremes
The monolithic 2012 SCHIZOID release "The Next Extreme" is given the absolutely full remix treatment, with this definitive companion album. SCHIZ enlists on friends and comrades EVESTUS, DIRTY FINGERS LICKED, AMBASSADOR 21, NOT HALF, TUAREG GEEKS, NEEDLE FAC7ORY, ROBOT(A), THE FIRST SEED, HEARTWORM, HYPERDRIVER, KNAR, FFT ERROR, MIDI FISTER, DRUGZILLA & FAMINE.
You can download or stream for FREE here
Hyperdriver has on the following track on this album:
11. Life Is Struggle (HYPERDRIVER - metal_nose_love Remix) 02:21
You can download or stream for FREE here
Hyperdriver has on the following track on this album:
11. Life Is Struggle (HYPERDRIVER - metal_nose_love Remix) 02:21